"Cinzia S. Lugano: this program is made fantastic by the sublime João, the best yoga teacher I've ever had. great sensitivity, spirituality and dedication. a noble soul, like few others, and which transmits peace and love. intense program, physically and spiritually, which is faced with immense pleasure, always waiting for the next lesson. I highly recommend it. I will meet him again in my life.MORE 5 stars reviews...
1 KG DE MEL - Para produzir um kilo de mel, as abelhas viajam 500 000km que representa 11 vezes a volta ao planeta Terra.
VIDA DA ABELHA - Uma abelha tem cerca de 20 dias de vida, dependo da altura do ano e exigência de trabalho.
PROTEINA NATURAL - O mel é a proteina vegetal equivalente ao leite, ovo, care ou peixe, mas que vem das flores e plantas.
3 CASTAS - Existem 3 castas de abelhas. Rainha, obreira e zangão.
"I'VE BEEN DOING YOGA FOR OVER 10 years and HE WAS THE MOST INFLUENTIAL TEACHER THAT I HAVE EVER HAD. He doesn't teach a specific style of yoga, which was refreshing. His breathing and meditation workshop were informative and gave me some extremely helpful tool/tips to use in my own practice. After 5 days at this retreat, I've never felt more relaxed and clear headed. I highly recommend this retreat. IT WAS LIFE CHANGING."
GERMANY - I didn't want to miss my Yoga session with João. IF YOU EVER ASKED YOURSELF IF THERE ARE ANGELS, YOU MIGHT WANT TO MEET HIM. With his longtime experience João teaches Yoga & Meditation in a COMPREHENSIVE WAY - heartily, challenging and with a FRIENDLY ACCESS TO YOUR SOUL. Marc Stieber
ENGLAND - The amazing yoga retreat, I would recommend this ot anyone. João is a fantastic teacher, and having myself recently completed a PhD about women and exercise I had a HUGE RESPECT for HIS PROFESSIONALISM, KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE. this is a GENUINE holistic yoga experience in wich joão GENEROUSLY shares his DIVINE SPIRITUAL GIFT. Jenny Hendley
SCOTLAND - He TRULY IS THE EARTH ANGEL I remember from last year. Thank you for such a magical and energising experience! Joanne Mullen